
Catalog / Coin Inventory / World Coins / Europe / Spain
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Coin Inventory: World Coins: Europe: Spain
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
1663 - MS30 KM-172.5A nice, clean example with dark brown details and corrosion free surfaces.$44.95Add to Cart
166440 KM-172.3An appealing early copper piece with corrosion free dark brown surfaces and an off center strike on the reverse. Also, the 6 in the denomination is waysides!$34.95Add to Cart
1792 - MF20 cleanedKM-431.1An old cleaning has been toned over time to look natural again, Unfortunately, a coin in this grade should not have the appearance of lustre under the toning.$44.95Add to Cart
181720 KM-486.1Slightly rough surfaces with a neat cud over part of the date. $24.95Add to Cart
185364 BNKM-597An interesting coin with mirrored fields on a sharply struck coin with deep brown color. There is a reverse cud and an obverse retained cud.$79.95Add to Cart
1853-6 Point *30 KM-595.26 point star; A naturally toned coin that has nice eye appeal, but under a glass has a number of fine scratches, mentioned for accuracy.$94.95Add to Cart
1859 - MADRID58 (NGC)KM-605.2Madrid mint with 6 point stars; Fully struck and semi-prooflike with some light hairlines accounting for the wear.Add to Cart
1867 - OM58 BNKM-632.5Seville mint with 7 points star; An interesting coin with lustrous, brown surfaces with boldly clashed reverse die. Can't miss it!$47.50Add to Cart
1868 - OM64 BNKM-634.4Segovia Mint: A sharply struck coin with dark brown lustre and an abscence of spots or marks.$55.00Add to Cart
1868 - OM64 BNKM-634.1Barcelona mint with 8 points star; A lustrous, spot free example.$49.95Add to Cart
1870(70) - SN M30 KM-655An attractive, antique silver coin with an attractive design.$84.95Add to Cart
1898(98) - SG-V62 KM-707An untoned lustrous example with the typical bagginess accounting for the grade.$175.00Add to Cart
1898(98) - SN M50 KM-707A lustrous example of this young head crown. Light silver toning.$39.95Add to Cart
1899(99) - SG-V45 +KM-706A well struck problem free coin with underlying lustre and so close to AU.$35.00Add to Cart
1900(00) - SM-V62 KM-705A brilliant coin with semi-prooflike surfaces. The coin has no wear but has been lightly wiped.$32.50Add to Cart
1904(04) - SN-V63 BNKM-722A semi-prooflike light brown coin with much red remaining on the reverse. There is a small spot on the face.$17.50Add to Cart
1904(04) - SM-V55 BNKM-722A dark brown coin with some lustre, but it does have some scratches on the portrait.$19.95Add to Cart
1904(04) - SM-V64 KM-7232-year type; A completely struck up coin with medium blue/grey toning covering PL surfaces. A perfect type coin. $72.50Add to Cart
1905(05) - SM-V60 detailsKM-722A coin with no wear, but some light surface pitting.$7.95Add to Cart
191212 - PC-V64 BNPLKM-7322 year type. Nice prooflike surfaces with light pastel toning in shades including blue, green and rose shades. A couple of areas near the rims were some spotting was starting. Still a very attractive coin.$27.50Add to Cart
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