Philippines Peso

Catalog / Coin Inventory / US / Territorial / Philippines / Philippines Peso
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Coin Inventory: US: Territorial: Philippines: Philippines Peso
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
1907 - S20 corrodedKM-172A darkly corroded coin on the left from salt water immersion during WWII?$11.95Add to Cart
1907 - S40 cleanedKM-172A coin with nice detail, but an unfortunate light cleaning that left it bright and hairlined.$22.50Add to Cart
1907 - S/S55 (PCGS)KM-172Brilliant lustre with an obvious repunching at the inner top of the S, slight on the bottom. Looks like a large/small S. I can't find any mention of the variety.$250.00Add to Cart
1908/9 - S58 PL, clenaed (PCGS)KM-172White and sharp with PL surfaces that show hairlines well. Looks like the 9 is lightly repunched between the ball and bottom of it. Not really cleaned, just rough circulation on sensitive PL surfaces.$200.00Add to Cart
1910 - S55 KM-172A well struck coin with lustre in the periphery, but grey, unattractive toning. Discounted for the poor visuals.$99.95
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