10 Centimes

Catalog / Coin Inventory / World Coins / Europe / France / 10 Centimes
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Coin Inventory: World Coins: Europe: France: 10 Centimes
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
1853 - A55 BNKM-771.1A glossy brown coin with a trace of wear. problem free.$42.50Add to Cart
1853 - A63 RB (PCGS)KM-771.1Very pretty rose and blue toning that swirls around the coin, The surfaces are spot free with only some minor imperfections. Amazing that it can look so nice 166 years later!$135.00Add to Cart
1870 - A60 BNKM-815.1A sharply struck coin with some lustre, Unfortunately, there are some rough spots on the coin.$44.95Add to Cart
1881 - A64 BN (PCGS)KM-815.115%RD; Fully struck coin and spot free! Swirling iridescent deep red and blue lustre does not come through on PCGS' pictures. The eye appeal is wonderful. This is the Coinfacts plate coin, pop=2, non others in BN and only 3 in RB & RD combined.$149.00Add to Cart
1882 - A64 BN (PCGS)KM-815.1Glorious blazing blue/brown lustre on spot free surfaces. A few minor marks limited the grade, but not the eye appeal! Again, PCGS pictures don't pick up the sparkle! Pop=3, none higher in BN. The only Coinfacts plate coin.$139.00Add to Cart
1884 - A58 BNKM-815.1A coin with no real wear and decent lustre.$22.50Add to Cart
1888 - A64 BN (PCGS)KM-815.1Beautiful light brown coin with brilliant red mint lustre in the devices. Spot and mark free. Usually not this nice!! Pop=4, none higher.$124.95Add to Cart
1888 - A63 KM-822.1A bright white, fully struck example of this nice design.$99.95Add to Cart
1897 - A64 BN (PCGS)KM-815.1Lustrous medium chocolate brown color with nice cartwheel lustre. Some spots of mint red do remain on the smooth surfaces. Pop-6 with one 65 higher. This is the sole Coinfacts plate coin.$115.00Add to Cart
190350 KM-843A lustrous, light brown coin.$7.50Add to Cart
190664 RBPQ (PCGS)KM-843An delightful coin with super lustrous brown surfaces and much mint red around the devices. A perfect type coin! And I was robbed as I expected a minimum of 65. This is the Coinfacts plate coin, the picture of which isn't remotely like the coin$95.00Add to Cart
191558 KM-845.1A fully lustrous coin with a trace of toning.$7.99Add to Cart
191763 KM-L-1.2A neat coin with a picture of the village on the obverse and a cool spread eagle on the obverse. No problem coin to boot.$14.95Add to Cart
191965 KM-866aA coin with lustrous unblemished surfaces with some light flyspecks.$8.50Add to Cart
192065 KM-866aA fully struck and brilliant coin with some lightly toned areas.$12.50Add to Cart
192050 A lustrous, problem free token issued by the Chamber of Commerce for Nice & the Maritime Alps.$4.95Add to Cart
1924 - (tb)62 KM-866aThe key date for the design. A coin with no real wear and decent lustre but is limited to a 62.$19.95Add to Cart
193865 KM-885A nice coin with flashy golden lustre.$12.00Add to Cart
193965 KM-889.2A fully struck coin with flashy semi-prooflike lustre.$7.50Add to Cart
195065 KM-916.1A lustrous yellow coin with a trace of green toning.$14.95Add to Cart
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