One Penny

Catalog / Coin Inventory / World Coins / British / Great Britain / One Penny
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Coin Inventory: World Coins: British: Great Britain: One Penny
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
1066-108755 (PCGS)S-1257Silver penny; PAXS type, Winchester mint, Aesten moneyer, nice surfaces and no defects. A little bit of wear.$999.95Add to Cart
179758 scratchedKM-618A fully struck example with prooflike fields and only the faintest rub. Unfortunately, someone scratched the obverse in the field from George's nose to the inner rim. Otherwise, a beautiful example.$194.95Add to Cart
1841No Colon62 BNKM-739A pretty coin that is fully struck and spot free. Lustrous blue/brown surfaces that are semi-prooflike.$174.95Add to Cart
184450 cleanedKM-739An attractive, lustrous chocolate brown coin that unfortunately has some hairlines from an old cleaning. Still has nice eye appeal left.$99.95Add to Cart
185350 BNKM-739A pleasant chocolate brown coin with well struck devices and a couple of minor rim faults mentioned for accuracy.$74.95Add to Cart
185463 BN (PCGS)KM-739A coin with luscious brown surfaces with full cartwheel and a sharp strike. There is a small planchet flaw on the obverse, but no other spots. The pictures do no justice to the actual eye appeal of the coin with even milk chocolate shimmering lustre.$295.00Add to Cart
1855Ornamental KM-739Ornamental trident; A lustrous, fully struck medium brown coin. Mimimal wear as it looks unc to the eye, but some surface handling marks under a glass are noted.$149.95Add to Cart
186140 KM-749.215 leaves, no signatures: A dark chocolate coin that is a bit baggy but shows no real wear on the high points. The strike is soft min the centers which makes the coin appear circulated. $45.00Add to Cart
187061 BNKM-749.2A sharply struck, dark chocolate brown coin with traces of red remaining in the devices. Nice swirling blue-brown lustre on both sides. The coin has some bagmarks, but no wear visible. One small obverse spot by the ship.$249.95Add to Cart
189165 RBKM-755A beautiful, fully struck coin with flashy red/brown lustre. Nice eye appeal!$124.95Add to Cart
189464 BNPLKM-755Very well struck with nice reflective mirrors. There are still traces of red in the devices. Looks like a proof, but not quite sharply enough struck.$150.00Add to Cart
189660 damageKM-790About 40% red with a slightly soft strike. The obverse has some environmental damage that left about 20% of it dull.$39.95Add to Cart
189764 RB (PCGS)KM-790Low sea; An attractive coin that is nearly full shimmering red with a couple of very minor flat black spots. The strike is full too, which makes for an excellent type coin. Fresh from grading.$150.00Add to Cart
189862 BNKM-790Coin has toned a dark brown overall, but still has some mint red in the devices. Decent strike details.$75.00Add to Cart
190262 BNKM-794.2High sea; Lustrous light brown/blue surfaces.$34.95Add to Cart
190564 BNKM-794.2A dark chocolate brown coin with lustrous surfaces and a trace of red. The coin is softly struck as often seen.$94.95Add to Cart
190763 RBKM-794.2Nice clean surfaces with cartwheel lustre.$94.95Add to Cart
190763 BNKM-794.2Nice cartwheel lustre on bright reddish brown surfaces. A couple of hairline marks under a glass limited the grade.$85.00Add to Cart
190964 RBKM-794.2Nice cartwheel lustre on reddish brown surfaces. A couple of hairline marks under a glass limited the grade.$95.00Add to Cart
190964 BNKM-794.2Nice cartwheel lustre on bright reddish brown surfaces. A couple of hairline marks under a glass limited the grade.$85.00Add to Cart
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