20 Francs

Catalog / Coin Inventory / World Coins / Europe / France / 20 Francs
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Coin Inventory: World Coins: Europe: France: 20 Francs
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
1933Large leaves - (ll)65 KM-877An attractive, original example with light speckled rose and gold toning on a fully struck coin. the underlying lustre is complete and shines through the overlying toning.$44.95Add to Cart
1934 - (sl)63 KM-879semi-reflective fields on a fully struck spot free coin. A few light hairlines in the fields limit the grade.$30.00Add to Cart
1934 - (sl)63 KM-879A lustrous white coin with flashy fields and no visible marks.$19.50Add to Cart
1934 - (sl)58 KM-879A trace of toning in the devices, otherwise there is no real wear, just some light friction from brief handling.$12.50Add to Cart
1934 - (sl)63 PLKM-879Reflective fields on a fully struck spot free coin. A few light hairlines in the fields limit the grade. A nice example.$32.50Add to Cart
1934 - (sl)64 (PCGS)KM-879Gad-582; Nice lustrous white coin with a full strike and reflective surfaces. I really like this design!$175.00Add to Cart
1937 - (sl)58 +KM-879An example of one of my favorite designs. Light gold toning over prooflike surfaces that show no marks. many would call this unc as the prooflike fields show the slightest hairline marks.$74.95Add to Cart
1938 - (sl)58 +KM-879A coin with fully lustrous, untoned surfaces. You really need to study this coin to find the slight dulling of lustre on on the maiden's cheek, as otherwise the coin looks like a choice inc.$19.95Add to Cart
1938 - (sl)58 KM-879A bright white example with a trace of wear.$21.50Add to Cart
1950 - B58 KM-917.2Key date 3 Plumes; Nice lustre, spot free, but a few hairline handling marks keep it from BU. Tough to find. cats $45 in EF and $100 in MS60.$45.00Add to Cart
195266 *KM-917.1An eye popper with beautiful purple, rose and blue/green toning on golden/orange surfaces. Fully struck and spot free.$24.95Add to Cart