20 Centavos

Catalog / Coin Inventory / World Coins / Mexico / United States of Mexico / 20 Centavos
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Coin Inventory: World Coins: Mexico: United States of Mexico: 20 Centavos
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
1907/7 - Mo58 cleanedKM-435a coin with a completely full strike but has been harshly cleaned some years ago (I've had the coin in a Whitman Type set for 20 years in the back of my safe). Time to pass these coins on, as I do have another set in a Dansco Album.$25.00Add to Cart
1914 - Mo63 +KM-435A fully struck coin with full lustre under some light toning.$87.50Add to Cart
1920 - Mo63 KM-438A white, super flashy coin with a trace of bag friction. Scarce in BU.$175.00Add to Cart
1920Low 0 - Mo64 KM-438A key date in unc. This coin has full blazing white frosty lustre over a full strike. It also has the low 0 in the date.$164.95Add to Cart
1928 - Mo58 KM-431A lustrous, fully struck untoned coin with a little rub.$11.95Add to Cart
1935 - Mo64 BNKM-437A medium chocolate brown coin with traces of blue and mint red. Clean surfaces.$85.00Add to Cart
1935 - Mo50 BNKM-437A decent coin with remaining lustre.$19.95Add to Cart
194062 KM-438A brilliant, frosty coin.$3.50Add to Cart
1943 - Mo64 RB+KM-439A bronze coin with unspotted full red lustre fading into electric blue toning in the devices at the rims. The cartwheeling lustre in gorgeous.$20.00Add to Cart
1964 - Mo66 +RDKM-440A bronze coin with unspotted full red lustre . Looks like the day it came off the presses!$12.50Add to Cart
1980 - Mo64 KM-442An interesting coin with a major rev cud 3-5:00 almost a quarter way into the coin at its point coupled with very strong obverse die clashing of the eagle's wing.$20.00Add to Cart