Small Cents 1920-date

Catalog / Coin Inventory / Canada & Provinces / Small Cents / Small Cents 1920-date
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Coin Inventory: Canada & Provinces : Small Cents: Small Cents 1920-date
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
1900 - H50 BNKM-7A fully struck coin with minimal wear and deep brown glossy surfaces.$14.95Add to Cart
190462 BNKM-8A lustrous, deep brown coin with some red remaining in the devices. A nice rich look.$54.95Add to Cart
192063 RBKM-28Traces of red in the background on this sharply struck coin of the first year of issue for the small cents.$41.95Add to Cart
192063 BNKM-28A lustrous brown example of Canada's first small cent.$19.95Add to Cart
192161 BNKM-28Lustrous medium brown fields with electric blue rim toning but too many bagmarks to grade higher.$35.00Add to Cart
192158 BNKM-28A coin with milk chocolate lustre and a trace of rub on the high points. Not enough lustre to grade higher. Many would call it unc.$20.00Add to Cart
192150 BNKM-28A milk chocolate brown coin with well struck details. Pleasing.$9.95Add to Cart
192164 BN (PCGS)KM-28Beautiful blue-brown swirling lustre with a percent or two of remaining mint red around the devices. A pretty little coin!$295.00Add to Cart
192162 BNNice lustrous brown with traces of red remaining.$35.00Add to Cart
192162 BNLight brown surfaces with a decent cartwheel remaining and one mark from a 63..$40.00Add to Cart
192140 KM-28A well struck, even brown problem free coin.$3.75Add to Cart
192235 KM-28Even brown, with a couple of ticks and some remaining brown lustre. A decent example of this key date.$38.95Add to Cart
192262 BN (PCGS)KM-28Key Date: A fully struck coin with medium chocolate brown color but lacking in enough lustre to grade higher. A key date and not seen a lot in unc. Fresh from PCGS.$425.00Add to Cart
192210 KM-28Even brown color, with a few ticks on the obverse.$12.95Add to Cart
192258 BNKM-28Dark chocolate color with mark free surfaces with some lustre in the devices. Nice example of this key date.$99.95Add to Cart
1922018 KM-28Even brown color, with a small planchet flaw on the obverse.$9.95Add to Cart
192230 KM-28A nice medium brown spot free coin. Very nice example of this key date.$29.95Add to Cart
192330 KM-28A well struck, even brown problem free coin.$37.95Add to Cart
192320 Even brown, problem free coin. has full separation of the crown bands.$42.00Add to Cart
192340 PQKM-28A chocolate brown coin that looks AU but with muted lustre.$95.00Add to Cart
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