German East Africa

Catalog / Coin Inventory / World Coins / Africa / German East Africa
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Coin Inventory: World Coins: Africa: German East Africa
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
189063 RBKM-1Really pretty with lustrous reddish/brown fields on a fully struck coin. Scarce in this grade.$69.00Add to Cart
1904 - A63 BNKM-6A fully struck, reddish chocolate brown coin. No spots and scarce in mint state.$44.95Add to Cart
1916 - T64 (PCGS)KM-15Type A/A; A lustrous yellow/gold coin on a crude planchet. I think really undergraded! No hairlines or bag marks and cartwheel lustre remains. Even the crown shows nearly full detail which most don't.$135.00Add to Cart
1916Type B/B - T63 RBKM-15Type B/B; A lustrous coin with the typical squishy strike. Still a decent example.$155.00Add to Cart