20 Centimes

Catalog / Coin Inventory / World Coins / Europe / France / 20 Centimes
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Coin Inventory: World Coins: Europe: France: 20 Centimes
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
1850 - A50 KM-758.1Well struck and toned to a light goldish silver.$19.95Add to Cart
1851 - A58 KM-758.1A well struck coin with a trace of wear and attractive light blue and violet toning.$30.00Add to Cart
1867 - A64 KM-808.1A well struck example with light silver/blue toning. A short-lived type of 3 years.$49.95Add to Cart
1867 - BB63 (PCGS)KM-808.2Creamy white lustre blossoms off the surfaces of this fully struck and problem free coin. A short lived type with only 2 collectible years. Robbed again as the graders can't tell die polish from shinola! Also, PCGS pictures are way too yellow!$85.00Add to Cart