Standing Liberty Quarters 1916-1930

Catalog / Coin Inventory / US / Twenty Five Cents / Standing Liberty Quarters 1916-1930
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Coin Inventory: US: Twenty Five Cents: Standing Liberty Quarters 1916-1930
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
1917T145 Light silver, lustre shows, probably lightly dipped.$100.00Add to Cart
1917T1 & T263/58 FHA pair of 1917 SLQ mounted in a custom Capital plastic holder. The T1 is a 63FH with a completely full strike and the T2 is also fully struck with some light hairlines that limited the grade. The pair are a great visual match.$535.00Add to Cart
1920 - S58 +A fully lustrous coin with light gold and red rim toning. The strike has the typical softness to the head, knee and eagle's body.$325.00Add to Cart
192461 toned (NGC)IN GREAT COLLECTIONS AUCTION: A pretty coin with obverse blue & russet toning around the rims from being stored in an album. Well struck too with 90% full head including the earhole. Tough to find with attractive toning!$310.00Add to Cart
192562 PQSOLD: A beautiful coin, perfect for a type set. Fully struck shields and a 98% full head (Just missing the leaves) on brilliant lustrous fields. Just a trace of wear under a glass.$175.00Add to Cart
1926 - S06 TeardropA problem free coin with an early state teardrop die break and clear die clash in the space at the bottom of the skirt.$19.95Add to Cart
192666 (PCGS)IN GREAT COLLECTIONS AUCTION: A coin with original frosty surfaces and light rim toning. Fully struck everywhere but the head, which is close. An excellent example for a type set.$775.00Add to Cart
1927 - S10 A perfect problem free antique silver coin with a bold date and rims. $90.00Add to Cart
1928 - D30 A nice untouched silver coin with lightly gold toned fields deepening around the rims.$28.00Add to Cart
1929 - D64 PQ (PCGS)A coin with frosty original surfaces and a full head except for the earhole. $535.00Add to Cart
1930 - S20 A nice original circulated piece.$15.00Add to Cart