Barber Dimes 1892-1916

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Coin Inventory: US: Dimes: Barber Dimes 1892-1916
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
189261 A mostly white coin with a little bright golden toning at the rims. Sharply struck as a 1st year of type should be, but some light hairlines from mishandling are hard to see on the cartwheeling lustrous fields.$124.95Add to Cart
189762 A coin with a fully struck design on fields with cartwheel lustre under light yellow and lime green toning.$140.00Add to Cart
1901 - O55 cleanedThe coin shows signs of an old cleaning leaving some light obverse hairlines. Otherwise, the coin is sharply struck with a trace of wear and some color remaining.$119.95Add to Cart
190659 Sharply struck coin with brilliant, frosty lustre. A few hairlines prevent me calling it an unc, but it looks better than a 60 or 61 will!.$100.00Add to Cart
1907 - O20 An original coin with nice antique silver surfaces. Problem free.$40.00Add to Cart
190958 Has a neat reverse die crack/internal cud K10; A lustrous mostly white coin with a little circulation.$145.00Add to Cart
191163 A coin that is lightly antique grey toned over lustrous fields. A few light hairlines kept the grade at this level, but the coin has the look of a 64+ to the naked eye.$134.95Add to Cart
191150 SOLD: A very sharp coin with some multicolored toning in the obverse fields. It may have had an old light cleaning.$45.00Add to Cart
1911 - D58 cleanedA fully struck and lustrous coin, but the surfaces are hairlined from an old cleaning.$75.00Add to Cart
191162 A frosty fully struck coin with light gold toning.$135.00Add to Cart
191358 Fully struck and lustrous with just a trace of rub. Nice example for a type set.$75.00Add to Cart
191315 Original antique silver toning on this one.$8.00Add to Cart
191458 +A fully struck coin with a trace of rub on Liberty's cheek. It sports lustrous antique silver surfaces with a golden glow at the peripheries.$95.00Add to Cart
193566 FB (PCGS)IN GREAT COLLECTIONS AUCTION: A coin that exhibits a complete full strike on Mercury and all of the bands! A perfect type of coin or date set piece. The PCGS pictures highlight the tone on the face. Even under a 5x glass it's not noticeable.$165.00Add to Cart