Two Cents 1864-1873

Catalog / Coin Inventory / US / Two Cents / Two Cents 1864-1873
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Coin Inventory: US: Two Cents: Two Cents 1864-1873
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
1864LM60 cleanedA super sharp strike on a coin with light surface roughness. It looks OK to the eye but shows under a glass. It would have graded a lot higher but for the surfaces.$115.00Add to Cart
1864LM55 BNA fully struck spot free coin with muted dark chocolate lustre.$79.50Add to Cart
1864LM/m55 BNA well struck coin with spot free dark brown surfaces. $90.00Add to Cart
186430 Large motto; Misaligned obverse die,no dentils on right side. Nice error.$70.00Add to Cart
1864/186430 KF-L14-RPDNice brown surfaces.$75.00Add to Cart
1865/186512 FS-002.5Nicely repunched date, even medium brown color.$30.00Add to Cart
1865/186555 BNFS-1301KF-F2-TPD, rare; Nice clear repunched date to the north, especially the 18. Per Flynn, rare. Probably cleaned and retoned long ago, now a nice even dark chocolate, a little glossy.$125.00Add to Cart
1947 - S66 toned (PCGS)IN GREAT COLLECTIONS AUCTION: A beautiful album toned coin with pastel rainbow rim toning moving to the fields too. Only 20 non-FS graded higher. Once again, the pictures don't do the coin justice. It's been in an album in the back of my safe over 45 year$125.00Add to Cart
194765 toned (PCGS)IN GREAT COLLECTIONS AUCTION: Beautiful rim toning from many years in an old album at the back of the safe. Blue, violet and gold colors leap off the surfaces. The PCGS pictures here look closer as I've worked on them but still don't show the true picture$99.00Add to Cart