
Catalog / Coin Inventory / World Coins / Asia / Thailand
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Coin Inventory: World Coins: Asia: Thailand
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
BE250465 Y-83A brilliant, untoned coin with full cartwheel lustre. Issued for the return of the King & Queen from their worldwide travels.$9.95Add to Cart
BE250067 Y-78A brilliant, fully lustrous coin.$1.00Add to Cart
1962BE250550 Y-84These were minted continuously from 1962-1982. It shows Rama IX, young bust. Lustrous with wear on the obverse most notable.$0.25Add to Cart
196365 Y-86A brilliant, fully lustrous coin issued for Rama IX 36th birthday.$64.95Add to Cart
1963(ND)64 Y-86A nice coin with obverse cartwheel lustre and a fully prooflike reverse. There is light rose & blue peripheral toning on this coin celebrating the 36th birthday of Rama IX.$34.50Add to Cart
2489BE245865 Y-71Minted from 1914-17; A blazing white, fully struck and lustrous coin. No spots or corrosion, which is rare for a tin coin.$15.95Add to Cart