Proof Sets

Catalog / Coin Inventory / World Coins / British / Great Britain / British Sets / Proof Sets
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Coin Inventory: World Coins: British: Great Britain: British Sets: Proof Sets
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
1902 KM-PS15Empty box for 11 piece proof set.$65.00Add to Cart
1911 KM-PS17Empty box for 12 piece proof set.$65.00Add to Cart
193765 PR (PCGS)KM-857Plucked from an original proof set with a cameo obverse and nice mirrors. The PCGS picture of the obverse blows any patination way out of proportion as the mirrors are not cloudy to the eye and show nice black & white contrast.$295.00Add to Cart
195067 PRKM-PS23A very nice set of coins inside a rather moth eaten original case. Some toning over very clean mirrors.$139.95Add to Cart