Braided Hair Large Cents 1839-1857

Catalog / Coin Inventory / US / Large Cents / Braided Hair Large Cents 1839-1857
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Coin Inventory: US: Large Cents: Braided Hair Large Cents 1839-1857
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
1842LD35 N-7b, R3+Typical weak hair as for this variety with nice even brown surfaces.$125.00
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184420 N-3, VEDSON HOLD: Rare die state with a barely noticeable die crack at top of NITE.$75.00
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1846SD53 (PCGS)N-5, RR2Small Date: A medium chocolate brown coin that is well struck and spot free. Easy to identify the variety with the strange die lines or scrapes on the upper reverse.$215.00Add to Cart
1846/1820 N-1,VEDSVery scarce early die state with clear 1 repunched to left.$65.00
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185145 N-22, R4Scarce variety. Discounted because of some marks on cheek I missed.$225.00
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185264 RBPQ (PCGS)A beautiful example of the braided hair large cent with 25% red obverse and 50% red reverse. Spot and mark free surfaces make me wonder why it didn't get a plus or 65 grade? save a bunch!$825.00Add to Cart
185345 Nice brown surfaces.$75.00Add to Cart
1855U563 BN (PCGS)A coin with even chocolate brown surfaces and light cartwheel lustre. Fresh from PCGS.$395.00Add to Cart