
Catalog / Coin Inventory / World Coins / British / Great Britain / Fourpence
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Coin Inventory: World Coins: British: Great Britain: Fourpence
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
182245 PL (PCGS)KM-686Dusky silver toning. Sharply struck as to be expected.$60.00Add to Cart
183850 cleanedKM-731.1A light silver coin that was cleaned leaving light hairlines.$34.95Add to Cart
184140 KM-732Maundy type; Adorned with light blue toning and a couple of toned over small dings on Victoria.$29.95Add to Cart
188862 KM-772One-year type: An untoned coin with lustrous surfaces and a full strike. This was issued only for use in British Guiana and the West Indies.$125.00Add to Cart