2 Centavos

Catalog / Coin Inventory / World Coins / Mexico / United States of Mexico / 2 Centavos
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Coin Inventory: World Coins: Mexico: United States of Mexico: 2 Centavos
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
1906Wide date - Mo62 BNKMWide date; A nice piece with cartwheel lustre and traces of mint red in the devices.$85.00Add to Cart
1906Narrow date - Mo64 BNKM-419Narrow date; A lustrous deep brown coin with traces of mint red remaining.$84.95Add to Cart
1906Narrow date - Mo50 RBKM-41960%RD, some wear on the high points. There is a small planchet flaw on the obverse from right ribbon top to lower left corner of 2.$18.95Add to Cart
1906Wide date - Mo62 BNKM-419Wide date; An evenly toned medium brown coin with a good strike and no defects.$44.95Add to Cart
1915 - Mo50 KM-420One Year Type-Zapata Issue. A coin with dark brown fields that are prooflike with lighter highlights. $30.00Add to Cart
1920 - Mo55 KM-437A nice coin with medium chocolate brown color and some golden streaks of woodgrain toning.$125.00Add to Cart
1921 - Mo65 BNKM-419A gorgeous brown coin with full blazing lustre that swirls around the surfaces. No marks visible to the eye, no spots but a few light hairlines under a glass limited the grade to me. A wonderful type coin!$125.00Add to Cart
1925 - Mo62 BNKM-419An attractive lustrous brown coin with traces of mint red. A few light marks have limited the grade.$19.95Add to Cart
1925 - Mo65 BNKM-419A fully struck coin with blazing blue brown lustre and hints of mint red around the devices.$64.95Add to Cart
1925 - Mo64 BNKM-419Pretty pastel toning on lustrous unimpaired surfaces.$37.50Add to Cart
1926 - Mo KM-419Fully struck with a reddish brown reverse and solid brown obverse. The obverse has some flecks of light carbon spotting probably from a poor metal mixture in the planchet.$22.50Add to Cart
1926 - Mo58 BNKM-419Milk chocolate surfaces with a touch of rub on the reverse high points. Looks unc.$24.95Add to Cart
1927 - Mo58 KM-422A fully struck dark chocolate coin with some light handling hairlines in the fields.$10.00Add to Cart
1927 - Mo63 BNKM-419Milk chocolate surfaces with a underlying lustre. Sharply struck.$22.50Add to Cart
1928 - Mo64 BNKM-41A coin with blazing blue/brown lustre and some traces of red.$32.50Add to Cart
1928/19 - Mo62 BNKM-419A sharp coin with lustrous brown surfaces. Distinct repunching north on the 19.$24.99Add to Cart