Florin/ 2 Shillings

Catalog / Coin Inventory / World Coins / British / Great Britain / Florin/ 2 Shillings
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Coin Inventory: World Coins: British: Great Britain: Florin/ 2 Shillings
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
184950 KM-745A basically one year type coin, the first for this denomination. One of the most beautiful English designs in my opinion. Covered with antique grey/blue and graced with gold at the rims.$249.95Add to Cart
187410 KM-746.2An original grey, well worn and problem free coin.$19.95Add to Cart
188760 polishedKM-762Uncirc details, but has been lightly polished giving it a rather bright appearance. A little rim toning beginning.$27.50Add to Cart
1887Jubilee45 cleanedKM-764A Jubilee type half crown that has been cleaned leaving hairlined surfaces especially noticed on the obverse since the coin is not toned.$39.95Add to Cart
188750 KM-762Jubilee type; An original, light golden grey toned coin with nice underlying lustre.$37.50Add to Cart
192245 KM-817aA lustrous white coin with a little wear on a softly struck surfaces.$37.50Add to Cart
192463 (PCGS)KM-817aFrosty white, original lustre with a trace of toning. Nice example. Pop=3, with 1 higher in 65. NGC pop=3, none higher. This is one of the PCGS census plate coins.$165.00Add to Cart
192864 (PCGS)KM-834A nice frosty fully struck example. Has the eye appeal of a higher grade.$245.00Add to Cart
193358 KM-834A lustrous, white coin with a trace of rub.$24.95Add to Cart
193767 KM-855A brilliant, fully struck and mark free example of the new design for George VI.$99.95Add to Cart
193766 KM-855A brilliant, fully struck and nearly mark free example of the new design for George VI.$59.95Add to Cart
194255 KM-855A fully struck coin with untoned surfaces.$9.95Add to Cart
194564 KM-858Creamy white lustre with just a few small marks. Nicer than usually seen.$19.95Add to Cart