10 Centesimi

Catalog / Coin Inventory / World Coins / Europe / Italy / 10 Centesimi
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Coin Inventory: World Coins: Europe: Italy: 10 Centesimi
 DateGradeCatalog #DescriptionPriceItem #
1893 - B/I63 BN (PCGS)KM-27.1A beautiful example with amazing swirling dark chocolate brown lustre speckled with golden areas from a bit of woodgrain effect. Not a mark, but a few light hairlines under a glass that limited the grade. Fresh from PCGS. Pop=2, 1 higher.$135.00Add to Cart
1893 - B/I50 BNKM-27.1A mark and spot free coin with even dark chocolate surfaces.$15.00Add to Cart
1894 - B/I64 BNKM-27.1A very lustrous coin with with traces of red. the reverse does have some old spots from a fingerprint.$95.00Add to Cart
1894 - B/I64 BN (PCGS)KM-27.1Luxurious deep brown lustre on spot & mark free surfaces with a few remnants of mint red. A pop=4 with one 65 higher and a Coinfacts plate coin. My adjustment of the PCGS picture looks like the coin.$100.00Add to Cart
1910 - R55 BNKM-511 year type; Nice surfaces, very well struck with just a trace of rub on the high points. Still has decent dark chocolate lustre,.$32.50Add to Cart
1911 - R63 BNKM-51One year type for the 50th Anniversary of the Kingdom. Dark chocolate brown with lustrous surfaces on this beautiful design!$34.95Add to Cart
1911 - R64 BNKM-511-year type; 50th anniversary of the kingdom. Icy dark brown lustre with traces of red remaining. Beautiful design!$165.00Add to Cart
1911 - R64 BNKM-51One year type. About 10% red remaining on lustrous brown surfaces. Way above average strike for this beautiful design.$84.95Add to Cart
1920 - R63 BNKM-60A medium brown coin.$8.00Add to Cart
1920 - R65 BNKM-60Fully lustrous with some traces of red remaining. Nice example.$24.95Add to Cart
1920 - R64 RBPQ (PCGS)KM-6A pretty coin with swirling violet red lustre on mark and spot free surfaces. Really undergraded by PCGS. Pop=2, Coinfacts plate coin.$55.00Add to Cart
1921 - R63 BNKM-60A very sharp coin with attractive blue-brown lustre. Makes for a nice type coin.$12.50Add to Cart
1922 - R58 BNKM-60An even dark chocolate brown but a little lackluster in appearance.$8.50Add to Cart
1924 - R58 BNKM-60An attractive coin with a little bit of rub and one light spot through "10".$12.50Add to Cart
1924 - R63 BNKM-60A deep brown coin with remnants of mint red around the devices.$10.95Add to Cart
1925 - R65 BNKM-60Well struck with pretty purple/red lustre.$15.00Add to Cart
1926 - R65 BNKM-60Lustrous deep chocolate brown surfaces. Fully struck and problem free.$14.95Add to Cart
1927 - R63 BNKM-60Very lustrous blue/brown. Attractive.$10.00Add to Cart
1929 - R65 BNKM-1610%RD; A nice lustrous example, spot free and well struck with some traces of mint red in the devices.$35.00Add to Cart
1929 - R55 BNKM-60Lustrous, even brown, but a small planchet flaw on the reverse lower right rim that needs a glass to see. Otherwise, eye appeal is good.$1.95Add to Cart
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